Digital Marketing Audit

A Digital Health Check Up for Your Small-Medium Sized Business

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, small and medium sized businesses need to constantly evaluate and optimise their digital marketing strategies to maintain a competitive edge. That's where our digital marketing audits come in.

Find out how we assess your digital footprint and provide recommendations of areas of improvement for businesses like you, by reading below or getting in touch with our team for a free consultation.

Overall Assessment

Grow your small business to new heights by assessing your overall digital marketing performance with Scaled's comprehensive audits. We analyse every aspect of your online presence to give you a clear understanding of your business's digital health.

We Identify Your Strengths & Weaknesses

We help you leverage your strengths for maximum impact while addressing any weaknesses that may be holding you back. This way, we can help you understand where you should be focusing to drive exceptional results for your business.

Actionable Recomendations to Improve Your Business

We provide actionable insights to enhance that help your small-medium sized business to grow. Our audits go beyond uncovering weaknesses – we equip you with guidelines for improvement. Click below to unleash the power ofyour marketing and drive exceptional growth.

I had been running my business for around 3 years. We had a steady flow of clients but I was finding it hard to balance the marketing and running of the business, along with finding and creating new ideas.

Scaled analysed the business thoroughly, scoped the other local businesses for research and formulated a marketing plan that broke down every aspect. It has made it much simpler to understand and plan my marketing and social media.

Since then my marketing has not been so daunting and has taught me to enjoy and feel more at ease with it.

Emily - Owner of M Aesthetics in Wilton/Salisbury

James has been very coherent and passionate throughout working with us. This isn't just a job for James its a passion and it shows in every element of his work.

He outlays marketing strategies clearly in lamens terms so all the directors understood. The marketing audit was very well presented and he suggested some very good ideas which got us results. He is constantly at hand, and offers feedback in all areas of the business where he feels its needed.

R & A Digital Consultancy cannot recommend James enough, and we look forward to what the future holds working along side him!

Richard Owner of R&A Digital Consultancy in Salisbury

See What Our Customers are Saying

Assessing Your Digital Marketing Performance

At Scaled, we understand that a successful digital marketing strategy requires a thorough evaluation of your overall performance.

Our digital marketing audits provide a comprehensive assessment of your online presence, analysing crucial aspects such as website performance, search engine optimisation (SEO), social media engagement, email marketing, and paid advertising. Everything you need to be on top of to help your business grow.

Uncovering Strengths & Weaknesses

Our digital marketing audits uncover the strengths and weaknesses of your digital marketing strategy.

By understanding your strengths, you can capitalise on them to maximise your impact, whilst addressing weaknesses empowers you to eliminate obstacles and unlock your full potential.

With our expertise, you gain valuable insights into your digital marketing landscape, allowing you to strategically allocate resources and efforts for the best business outcomes.

Recommendations for Improvement

We provide expert recommendations for improvement that are tailored to your specific needs. Our audits equip you with a roadmap to enhance your online visibility, boost your brand reputation, and maximise your overall performance. You can execute these changes yourself or continue working with us and we will do it for you.

With our recommendations, you can unlock the full potential of your digital marketing strategy and pave the way for continued business growth.

Our digital marketing audits provide a comprehensive solution to assess overall performance, uncover strengths and weaknesses, and offer tailored recommendations for improvement. By leveraging the power of our insights, you can unlock your full potential, drive exceptional growth, and stay ahead of your competition.

Click below to discover how we deliver digital marketing audits that can revolutionise your strategy and empower your business to achieve remarkable success.

Expert Marketing Audits for Small-Medium Sized Businesses